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Posts in 02

Be A Better Indie - 5. Listen to Podcasts

written by Andrew Wagner on

A list with descriptions of the main podcasts that have made me a better developer and keep me informed.


Be A Better Indie - 4. Create a Singular To-Do List

written by Andrew Wagner on

The way that I handle my to-do list so that I stay on task with minimal effort.


Devise: determine unconfirmed, confirmed, or not signed in user

written by Andrew Wagner on

While developing a Rails backend using Devise for user management, I ran into trouble determining a user's status. This is how I solved that problem.


Be A Better Indie - 3. Trim Your Incoming Email

written by Andrew Wagner on

I hate being constantly distracted by incoming emails. To solve this problem I decided to drastically reduce the amount of emails I receive. This is how I did that.
