Devise: determine unconfirmed, confirmed, or not signed in user
I am developing a JSON api in rails that is using Devise to authenticate users. If the user does a GET request to the root URL, I return a list of useful URLs. I want to return different URLS depending on the status of the user:
- Not Signed In - register and sign_in URLs
- Not Confirmed - resendconfirmation, register, and signin URLs
- Confirmed - URLs to content
Normally, a route will immediately be rejected if the user is not a valid and confirmed user. To get around this and determine the 3 scenarios, I did the following:
Add a skip before filter for the index route:
class HomeController
skip_before_filter :authenticate_user!, only: [:index]
# ...
Then I can use this in my index route:
def index
user = nil
# if using token authentication
# token_user = nil
caught = catch(:warden) do
user = warden.authenticate :scope => :user
# if using token authentication
# token_user = authenticate_user_from_token!
if user # or token_user # if using token authentication
# User is confirmed
elsif caught and caught[:message] == :unconfirmed
# User is unconfirmed
# User is not signed in